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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Love Without Marriage Versus Marriage Without Love....

I'll start by mentioning few aspects about each one, of course from my own point of view & according to my code of beliefs, culture, understanding & personal experiences. I'll try my best, though, to research this topic & not just talk.
The first one: Love Without Marriage, Hmmmm! Ahhhh! Well, in simple
plain English: It's death without being actually dead!
The second one: Marriage Without Love, Oooops! Ouch! It is Life without being really alive!

Before digging any deeper, I wonder, why it should always be that way? Why is it either-or choice? Isn't there a method to have the two together & achieve "& they lived happily ever after" or is it only found in fairy tales, the last line in specific!

I know that there's no Utopia on earth, the way Philosophers tried to picture it. Also, I know that life -real life, that is- is not like love stories in books or romance movies; yes, but also, life is not full of disasters & broken hearts or a "total failure" love stories. We need to be fair & balanced when looking at things of such a delicate nature that touches everyone of us.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Life Without Me....

Yes, dear reader, you read it 100% right! I know it's a title of a movie, I myself enjoyed. But my lines today has nothing to do with the movie more than the title. I found it so expressive.

Okay then,
I'm not going to define life or mention my philosophy about it. I'm not trying & won't do analysis or anything that falls in this category; I just want to express myself as a reassessment!

As I can recall, I picture
myself in certain attitudes I was exposed to through childhood, whether it was happy or the other way round, I'm not focusing on what exactly happened, I'm just interested in the process of remembering the scene itself. When any memory pops into your mind about your past; you, faster than light speed see yourself from the outside. As if you are now two separate individuals, the only thing that combines you together is the scene & nothing else.
You become an external observer to your own self. The events are happening with the main character "you" but the feeling is with "you"!!!!
I hope you got my point.

Sometimes it happens to me that I feel sort of being split into two separate people. The first one is the "Me" that is living inside the scene. The second is the other "Me" who is watching from a distance what is going on & trying to make sense of it all!
I have been facing such situations a lot recently. I'm trying hard to comprehend the m
ysterious situations I'm exposed to lately.

Dear reader, don't freak out. I'm not that creepy. Don't panic & calm down, I assure you that I
'm not Schizophrenic!
Actually it's a practice I recommend you to follow in order to evaluate the whole situation while you are still in it, make the right decision & avoid regression & save yourself from pain!

Anyhow, it's always good to try new things & look at your life from different angles, & review it every once in a while in a totally new dimension.

Try to detach yourself from your daily routine & expose yourself to new unusual experiences to really live life to the fullest-- of course in the good responsible way!

Till Next Time.....
Live Life!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Coffee Break & Tea Time.....

Usually, colleagues in general & friends in particular, like to gather & TALK. That is what happens in most of cases, rather all the time. Anyhow, I'm not objecting to that at all. I myself do it & actually enjoy it. BUT, what drove me to mention this from the beginning is the topics being discussed in such settings & the talk said in these meeting is the dilemma. Not only that, but also the atmosphere surrounding, the voices coming out & the WAY all this taking place.

If I start with the topics, dear me, I just want to mention for the record that I'm not Miss Know-It-All; I'll never be. It's just a matter of different natures coming together & trying to cope, tolerate, accept & even celebrate those differences.

Since, as far as I know, I'm a human being & never claimed to be anything more or else -actually I don't want to-. Humans have limits, no matter how hard they try to exceed it they can't. By the way I'm not spreading pessimism or frustration, have patience dear reader till I clarify my point, then probably you'll totally agree with me & even start a campaign in supporting my notion.
Back to the reason I started all this writing. Yes, Human Nature, so complicated to put in words, yet so easily understood through behavior. From this exceptional discovery in psychology -that I myself made- you can in the first five minutes of your conversation with someone, decide to happily continue or respectfully end it & withdraw once & for all.

I want to again emphasis that that it's not looking down at people considering them not worthy of your so precious time-- not at all. It's all about soul matching issue. Those same people that you don't ever enjoy being around, have their own circle of friends that they are adored by & joyfully accompanied.
Duh! I feel that I talked a lot about that particular thing-- I really don't know my dear reader what are you going to think about me; I'll leave it up to you!

Please, let me go back again to my main point, that is: gathering & socializing with people. Do we really plan for it?
I'm going to ask a question that may appear weird & odd enough that I almost feel that a very big question mark is popping over your head accompanied with a flashing exclamation mark....
Do we seriously plan for the fun time? Do we really consider how & with whom are we going to spend spare time? Do we soberly think about so-called leisure time in what & to what it's being dedicated? After all, no matter what name it's given, it's still minutes of our precious dear life that we have it for once.
This in no way means or even suggests that you omit fun from your life or abandon your favorite hobbies; not at all, it's just a call to use it wisely & know about every single minute where & how it was spent. The way you keep record of your money. As they say: Time is money! To me it's much more valuable than money.

Dear reader, regarding all the the "facts" I humbly presented to you; I do really recommend that you "cherry pick" your friends & finely select your close circle. This is not selfishness, it's only a way to grow & help others in this too.
Avoid those who only talk with little deeds if any. Stay away from pessimist, time wasting type of people; who, in the best of cases, picture life as a dark, hopeless & miserable place to be in.

After all, you are the "Commander in Chief" of your life. no one can force you to do or abstain from anything you want to.
These were my thoughts I wanted to share with you. Hope you will benefit respected reader.

Till next time, all the best!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Serving The Community....

Everyone of us is unique in his or her own way. Everyone is special, has a remarkable influence & indispensable existence. Individualism, personal space, independence & privacy are sort of "sacred rights" for each one of us. The pursuit of achieving one's goals & aims in life is dearly protected & respectfully guaranteed.

Being one of your type, gives you actually a sense of appreciation to you. You should always feel the pleasure of being you. Satisfaction, self-confidence, contentment & ambition are success keys you can use to love your life without underestimating yourself, looking down at what you possess, no comparison whatsoever will creep to your mind & starts inject the bitterness into your heart that so-and-so is better than yourself.

Now, celebrating being you does not in anyway mean selfishness! Yes, sure. When you are convinced with your abilities & capabilities, when you have the intention & the will to always develop & progress, when you know deep inside that there's always a room for improvement; you will really become a source of pleasure, inspiration, optimism & encouragement to all those around you & anyone who would be blessed to be in your company.

I started by emphasizing on the importance of you in your life, because if you don't believe in yourself, how are you going to benefit & serve others!

We -human beings- are social creatures. We can't live isolated & secluded from our fellow human beings. Though, sometimes you need some time to be alone to reassess your life, but this particular important thing doesn't consume the whole time; it's just a portion of it, done from time to time.
Regarding this important fact, we are interacting with all types of people all the time. Some of them are a source of relief while others are mere source of irritation. No matter what do you feel towards others, you have to deal with them through respect, it should be the only language you speak, for two major reasons: One springs from your self-respect, & the other because Allah honored the human being when He created him, if he on the other hand wants to dishonor himself it's his own problem, he should decide how it goes!

So, adopting the following two principles that I deeply believe in, will be the major points I'll build my opinions on. "Sharing is Caring" & "The Law of Abundance: There's enough for everyone".
Binding these two "basis" together, I can confidently say that: One can grow more in sharing what one has, whether material possessions or intellectual properties! It's even scientifically proven that the best way to acquire more knowledge & keep what you have already learned strongly planted in your memory & easily accessible when you need to recall it, is by teaching it to others.

Likewise, giving charity & spending from your extra money to help less fortunate, will give you a feeling deep inside that is indescribable. At the first glance from the outside, it seems that you are losing money, but in reality, the little you give will reflect on the rest the you left for your own use; I guarantee you that you will enjoy every single penny you spend, none of it will be wasted in vain & you will still have an amount left for you that you never used to have even with the most powerful plans in saving & managing your budget.

Having said so, I want to "share" with you the pleasure of teaching something to someone, whether they asked you to, or you voluntarily did it; When they understand what you have just explained to them, the glow in their eyes & the relief that covers their faces, give you a joy that you have never experienced before, ever.

I believe that we can make our world better than any Utopia ever written about. Everyone through their sincere efforts & exceptional contributions. So, we can make our world a better place to be in for us & the others.

All The Best Dear Readers!