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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Is Going On???????

A question that I always ask. Trying to find reasons & analyze events to make sense, or even to excuse myself from any responsibility whatsoever!!!

Is it the blame game that most of us master to play? Or do we -or let me say do I- like to victimize myself some time??

1 comment:

  1. Whats is going on? In the world, in my country, in my neighbourhood, in my family, with myself? Question we try to handle every day.

    But its only the firts question of others: what is _my_ part about it. For myself I try to distinguish very hard to which questions I am connected to. Events that are just 'news' for me, without any 'information' i ignore. In german language we have the word 'Nachricht' for news, which has the meaning of an advice and announcement. In this sense news are something that have consequences for your life. With all the information we can get by television, newspaper, internet, etc. i think its very importent to keep yourself fit for the news that are connected to your life. I say 'connected to my life' and not 'have influence to my my life' as I think this would be ignorant. And to find out whats 'connected' to me is often more a thing of heart and stomach than of intellectual analyzis.

    Now for the issues that are connected to me, it needs some analyzis or even wisdom which is best described by a famous prayer:
    "God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, Courage to change things I can change, And wisdom to know the difference."

    We are at the point of the responsibility: things I am connected to and I have the ability to do something, I am responsible for.
    Of course we have limited ressources, so we can't do everything. Here comes: 'if you do something, do it right'. And for that you really should understand 'What is going on?' as good as possible.
